One morning last summer I was walking around the local farmers market and as I ambled along the rows I was intrigued by a stall selling mushrooms. Really good looking mushrooms.
The two young men behind the stall started telling me about how they had just started the company, grow all their own mushrooms and this was their first market. I like mushrooms, and these really good looking mushrooms were very reasonably priced. But my head was telling me I’ve got some mushrooms at home. I thanked the stall holders for their information and walked on.
The next stall was a man selling English wines. 'Red or white sir?' What do you prefer? There is only one answer to that question. 'Red' I said. The wine guy then proceeded to tell me how the red wine compares in taste to the more familiar European wines I might know more about.
I walked away with a bottle of not so cheap wine - and I have loads of wine at home.
'People don’t buy the best product, they buy the one they can understand the fastest.' Donald Miller
The difference between the two markets stall vendors was that one told me about themselves, the other made it about me. They bought me into the story.
Marketing and communcation should always be about the customer and the problem that you solve for them.
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The wine was OK, but I bet the mushrooms were nicer.