Get the Message Right

The start of Spring is probably my favourite time of year. The warming sun starts to peak out from behind the greyness of winter, the days get a little longer, and signs of life start to appear again.

Every year I pretend to be a gardener and plant seeds in the hope that they will bear some fruit in the coming months. Last week I carefully planted my usual concoction of fruit, veg and herbs and have peaked under the plastic lid of the potting box every morning since to see if anything has happened overnight.

It’s a reassuringly slow process!

It’s really important to get things right at the beginning and when we talk about our businesses it’s important to get the messaging right.

Customers don’t particularly need to know the detail of what you do and how you do it but they do need to know how you can provide value to them and how what you do will bring success to them.

In the last few days some green shoots have broken through the compost to let me know that all is well.

Let your customers know that what you do can help them. Be seen, heard and understood and let your business thrive.

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Your small business marketing should give a clear message that engages your customer and grows your business.

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